Ok, so you have credit card debt. You already know (or at least suspect) that the credit card debt is your number one obstacle to achieving financial success. Let’s not rehash that you have the debt. Let’s find a way to pay it off and move forward. The first step is to gather all the…
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My husband and I are just getting ready to pay a quarterly college tuition payment for our son. (He’s out in California having found his dream school across the country). My husband kiddingly said to me the other day, “Maybe we should tell him to start panning for gold” Not really much of an plan…
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If you remember in our last blog – Where’s the money? – we discussed that people with financial wealth spend time on their personal financial life planning. They make financial plans and set financial goals – they know how much they will save and spend and for what purpose. A budget is a plan, and…
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It’s no surprise that at this time of year (the beginning of January) there are numerous articles about setting your goals for the New Year. It was interesting to read that many of the articles noted that people who are financially wealthy make financial plans and set financial goals – they know how much they…
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As I write this post, it’s mid-December and the new year is fast approaching. It’s time to start getting financially fit. Why wait until January 1 to start this journey? Why not start this week? Success isn’t hard when you have a plan and someone to help along the way. When your goal is to…
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As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I wanted to say thank you. The LC Group is a personal bookkeeping and daily money management company, and I am always thankful and humbled that our clients reach out to us and make us part of their lives. I truly appreciate the friendship and support. I also want to…
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Do you have US Savings bonds lurking in a drawer or safe deposit box? Not sure what they are worth or what to do with them? The US Department of Treasury has a website that will provide you with a wealth of information. The site is Treasury Direct,www.treasurydirect.gov. You can also purchase US Savings Bonds…
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Can you recall a time when you were purchasing a big-ticket item, a car for example, and the salesperson steps away into the office? Chances are, that salesperson is checking your credit score. So what is a credit score? Your Credit score, also known as your FICO score, is simply a number which represents your…
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It is getting more and more important to know what is in your credit report. Your credit report (and credit score) affects your ability to get a loan and the interest rate you pay for that loan. It can also determine whether you get approved for a credit card. The insurance premium you pay for…
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While money does not grow on trees or get printed in ATM machines, there are places where you can find misplaced funds. The website of the National Association of Unclaimed Propertywww.unclaimed.org. has a listing of unclaimed monies. Most States also use the alternative sitewww.missingmoney.com. If you have retirement monies to which you believe you are…
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